Thursday, April 26, 2007

Step by Step, Inch by Inch

I can't seem to regulate my body temperature, I'm always roasting. Or cold. Or hot in one spot, cold in another. I guess this must be what menopause is like. Thank you, but no. Hot hands and cold arms are not fun!

I've been out of the hospital a full week as of today, and I'm feeling better each day. My wrists are really getting tired and achy since I use my arms so much to maneuver around, though. My scabs are disappearing (I don't even want to think about where they may have gone) and nearly all the bruising is gone. My next big milestone, I think, is getting the staples removed from my hip and getting to have a real shower. Using washcloths has worked fairly well, but it's just not the same. I dream about clean water running freely over my face!


pedalista said...

You have a great group of people around you, and we are all pulling for you. It is good to see you posts and how you are doing.

Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

Thanks, Fred. By the way, I LOVE the yarn!!! I'll let you know what I decide to do with it soon! Thanks so much for all your well wishes and happy thoughts! You can't know how much they have meant to me.

Ashley said...

It's so good to know that you are home & on your way to recovery. I know from experience how frustrating the recovery process can be, but don't give up. You are a fighter! The hot/ cold thing has a lot to do with pain meds & your body's response to them. Or at least that's what my docs have always told me after surgeries & injuries. Kelsey & I are keeping all that we have crossed for your speedy recovery! Let us know if you need anything!

Clark said...

Tex just needs to build you a ramp to let you wheel into the shower in the office bathroom! I bet your first shower will run the hot water completely out.