Thursday, November 01, 2007


Okay kids, big news: I'm going under the knife next Friday, November 9!

Dr. Minter was very cool, gave me loads of information, explained the problems and how he hopes to fix them. He also said my hip is pretty messed up. My body is trying to fuse the joint with extra bone -- much longer and my body would succeed. He gave me a much more realistic recovery time: It will probably be a year before I feel back to "normal." (snicker all you like)

So, here we go! I'm finally on my way!


Clark said...

Awesome! We'll keep good thoughts for you on your quest for "normalcy" ;)

Kerry said...

Hell yes!!! Customize that hip, baby! So happy for you! <3

Hockey Mom said...

I'm so happy for you! I'll keep good thoughts coming your way.

Kim said...

Yeah! Finally! Good luck, doll!

jana said...

good vibes are being sent your way from me, maisie and ghost (the cats) -- let me know if you need anything!! <3

Debbie D said...

Excellent, excellent, excellent!

Doing the happy dance for you.

You gotta at least be somewhat normal by May 23rd or Alice and I will be dragging you around Scotland!