Monday, December 17, 2007

2007: Good, Bad and Ugly

When a colleague/friend approached me today to express condolences at the loss of Daisy the Whippet, she ended it by noting that this has been a pretty terrible year for me and Len. And, I thought, yes, that is true, it has been a terrible year, but it has also been a really good year.

Yes, I was in a terrible accident that I am still recovering from. And, I lost my oldest sister. And, Len's dad had painful knee surgery. And, we lost a beloved pet. But I frankly feel pretty positive about the future.

Without sounding too gooey, I have to admit that without all the hardships we faced this year, I don't know if we'd be fortunate to know just how much those around us care. I truly believe I have had more hugs in the last twelve months than in the previous 40 years.

This year woke me up to just how good my life is: I have a wonderful husband and family (which includes three precocious hounds), and fantastic friends. The company I work for is extraordinarily supportive and I enjoy my work. My body is healing, so I will soon have my health. And, I still have a job waiting for me at the best yarn shop on the planet, Knitch. (Thanks, Kim!)

As for the ugly, I have three giant surgical scars on my legs. But that's no biggie: I never liked how I looked in a bathing suit, anyway.


Debbie D said...


great way to look at life, my dear.

Kim said...

Don't be silly! I'm sure you look ravishingly foxy in a bathing suit! And the scars give you an air of mystery and danger, like a bond girl.

Nell said...

: )

With much love.

Unknown said...

I just LOVE your optimism and I'm excited to have met you in 2007. Like I said, 2008 is going to be GREAT!

Betsy said...

Scars are like tattoos, only tougher.

Len said...

Yup, Megan got cred in our hood when she joined the Crips.