Friday, November 30, 2007

A Great American Hero

Evil Knievel, dead today at age 69. He and Megan had a lot in common. Evil jumped his motorcycle over cars, buses, and the Snake River. Megan drove her scooter down the big hill on 41st Street in Seattle and on DeKalb Avenue in Atlanta. Evil broke almost every bone in his body, some more than once, in multiple crashes. Megan broke maybe 5 bones in one crash. Evil beat up a pimp. Well, I don't think Megan has beaten up a pimp. But with that new leg she has a chance.


Megan was a little low on blood today so received a boost from a NutterButter Lover. She couldn't have her screw removed today because of the blood so she's first on the list Monday.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Visiting Hours Are Open!

Crawford Long visiting hours are 10 am until 8:30 pm daily. The hospital is conveniently located between the Civic Center and North Avenue MARTA stations. Parking is available in the hospital deck or surface lots in the area. For risk-takers there is a valet parking service. You must supply your own attorney.

Out of Bed

Megan walked down the hall this morning. With crutches. She sounds a little more groggy today than yesterday. She will be in the hospital until next Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blog Hijack

I'm back, posting for Megan. She's out of surgery and looking good. If you want to go see her send me an email and I'll tell you where she is.


The Day Has Finally Arrived

Today is surgery day. In just a few hours, I'll be able to fully extend my left leg, and in a few weeks I'll get rid of the crutches. It's a good day.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sunny Rothenhoefer 1947-2007

After several years suffering with severe heart and lung disease, my oldest sister, Sunny, passed away yesterday of a heart attack. She left behind a son and daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, her mother, and two brothers and two sisters. Sunny lived most of her life in Indiana, but moved to south Florida nine years ago. Her son and his family followed a year later. My mom told me yesterday that she thinks these last nine years have been the happiest in Sunny's life. I hope so. She was 60 years old.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Aw Shucks, I'm Thankful

Anyone who reads this blog knows I have much to be thankful for this year: 1. I'm Alive; 2. I'm Not Dead; etc., etc.

I'm pretty thankful for a lot of other things in my life, too. I have a husband who took care of me during the hardest part of my recuperation -- without a single complaint. My family (on both Len's side and mine) were extraordinarily helpful and supportive. And, I have wonderful friends, who visited me in the hospital and then when I came home. Other friends who don't live nearby called and sent cards and gifts and offered their support from afar. Those people in my life turned this terrible chapter into a very positive experience. I feel loved, I feel wanted, I feel so darned lucky. Thank you, everyone. You guys are awesome.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Surgery is a GO!

My tests came back slightly elevated, but inconclusive. So they brought in an infection disease specialist who has cleared me for surgery. Wahooo!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28 at Crawford Long. Oh, joy!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Can anyone help me hide my stash?

Len is starting to notice that nearly every time I go to Knitch, I buy something. He reads this blog and actually knows I have a lot of projects going, but I thought I'd acknowledge my addiction to the world. Eleven steps to go...

After more than two months and $13,000 worth of repair work, my car is back in my driveway. When Len and I pulled up to Sterling Auto Body in Decatur near the Farmer's Market, I almost didn't recognize the car as mine, it's been so long since I saw the little cutie. I immediately felt happiness when I recognized the car, and checked it all around to find the paint looks good and nothing seems amiss. And while driving it, I didn't have warning bells going off in my head about the handling, etc. They did a good job. That's how I want my surgery to go, whenever that happens.

I go back to court on Tuesday with the valet and the guy who hit my car while the valet was driving. I don't know what is going to happen there, so I'll wait and see what the judge and the lawyers do.

No news yet on the surgery. I went to Crawford Long Hospital last week for an amazing test on my white blood cells. They took blood, separated the white blood cells, radiated them, and put them back into my body. Then they took pictures of my insides to see where the blood cells went off to. (White blood cells fight infection, so being able to see where they go might tell the docs an infection's location.) I should hear something Monday.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Surgery? Not this week.

The gods are playing tricks on me.

My hip replacement has been postponed. Again.

I have some 'elevated levels' in my blood tests and my doc is determining what's up before cutting into me. He's got good reasons for the delay, but I'm still disappointed. Eventually this thing will happen. Eventually.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Counting Down the Days

My running joke these days is how excited I am to be having surgery this week, and it's not even plastic surgery!

Tuesday I return to my new doc for a pre-op visit where his staff will go over the whole procedure with me and we verify that I am healthy enough to have the surgery. I spent a lot of time in doctor's offices these last couple days getting blood work and x-rays, etc. done for this purpose. Nice to know Dr. Minter wants to start with a healthy patient!

I have already planned out my knitting projects for the next couple weeks so I have plenty to work on while I'm recuperating (that is, when I not exercising my new implant!).

Yes, I am a happy, happy girl.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Okay kids, big news: I'm going under the knife next Friday, November 9!

Dr. Minter was very cool, gave me loads of information, explained the problems and how he hopes to fix them. He also said my hip is pretty messed up. My body is trying to fuse the joint with extra bone -- much longer and my body would succeed. He gave me a much more realistic recovery time: It will probably be a year before I feel back to "normal." (snicker all you like)

So, here we go! I'm finally on my way!