Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deja Vu All Over Again

As a matter of pride, on the days I work in my downtown Atlanta office, I drive there on DeKalb Avenue. Why? Because that's where I nearly lost my life in the accident all those months ago: Being able to drive down that stretch of road makes me feel strong somehow, like I can lick any fear.

But, after this morning's commute, I won't be driving down DeKalb again for a while.

Not far after I passed the infamous Rocky Ford Road intersection where the middle lane changes direction depending on the time of day, I noticed a car in my lane ahead of me (that would be the right lane, because, I'm not so fearless as to drive in the middle lane and risk some other idiot coming at me from the other direction) that had its left blinker on.

We approached a stoplight and there were no cars in the center lane. When the light changed green, the car ahead of me pulled out just a little like he/she was waiting for oncoming traffic to clear. I just kept wondering what that person was thinking, making a left from the far right lane.

Just as the driver fully entered the turn, a car came from behind us and slammed into the car.

It appeared no one was injured, so I continued on. I know I should have stopped, since I was clearly a witness. But the fact is, being so close to that accident and watching it play out made me nauseous. I knew I'd vomit if I stopped.

Clearly, the car turning left was at fault.

But, this morning's accident happened to someone who, like me, was confused by the center lane directional change. Those roads are dangerous.

How many people need to die/get seriously injured and how much damage needs to be caused before the DOT finally puts an end to this practice?

As for me, I'm sending a letter to the DOT to complain about these dangerous roads.


Carina said...

Oh my, that must have been tough for you. I am sorry that you had to see that this morning. J. and I often talk about how awful those lanes are. We live off of Memorial and it is the same way. No good at all.

You are a tough cookie no matter which way you get downtown. I am just glad that you are here to be able to get downtown.

Suzy Neal said...

Wow, that's pretty bad. Dangerous roads there!! I hope nobody was seriously injured. I know you were glad people stopped when you had your accident.

Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

No one appeared injured -- I didn't even see air bags go off. Other folks stopped. Honestly, though, I wanted to go back and I felt sick about not stopping. I would have stopped if I weren't injured, but it was too much for me at that moment. I did report it to the Fulton County roads and the state DOT.

Debbie D said...

Oh Megan that must have been really hard on you. Big hug and you ARE fearless! You are the tough cookie of our little group.
