Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another Delay

I'm really bummed this morning.

Today was my appointment with Dr. Furie where he was going to set a firm date for my final surgery. But, my CT scans show there is still a little unhealed fracture in my acetabulum, so Dr. Furie says we have to wait another month before setting the date.

I'd been internalizing a lot of my discomfort because I knew the surgery would take care of so much -- I figured another couple weeks and it would be over. Alas, I have to wait until the first of November to get this thing done.

I hope.

1 comment:

Debbie D said...

dag nabbit! Bummed about your news. Are you taking calcium & vitamin D to help with the healing?

It was close to a full moon last night. We could have grabbed our needles and done some type of magic hip healing dance with chant around you last night if we'd only known.
