Friday, July 27, 2007

No Spoilers Here

I always order the Harry Potter books way in advance so they are delivered to my door the day they are released. No standing in line wearing some Hogwarts-related costume for me. Unfortunately I neglected to consider that delivery when I arranged to visit my mom last weekend. No worries, the book was waiting for me when I arrived home and I pretty much did nothing else but read until I was finished with "The Deathly Hallows." It's not great literature, but J.K. Rowling does tell a good story. It's simple and straightforward, with lots of action: That's probably why it has such mass appeal.
Me? I like stories about good and evil, about growing up and learning about life. That's pretty much the gist of the series. Plus, there's all that action I mentioned before.
This last book was definitely a lot more grown up than the others, with Harry turning 17 and all. He faces a lot of grown-up problems and has to learn to make good decisions. Great lessons: I'm glad so many kids are reading these books.
I'm a little sad there won't be another installment, but I'm sure Harry will live on in fan fiction for years and years to come.

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