Friday, March 16, 2007

Getting old...Or not!

I have less than a week left of my 30s.
Yep, this time next week, I'll be in my fifth decade of life.
How did this happen? I blinked, and suddenly I can't stay up past midnight.

After my first Saturday at Knitch, I really thought I'd made a mistake because I felt SOOO tired. Not in the normal "boy, it'd be nice to go to bed" sort of tired, but the falling-asleep-while-pouring-a-beer kinda tired.

But, since then, I've had two more days at Knitch, and my second Saturday is tomorrow. I'm kinda energized now about the job. I love working retail and would do it exclusively if I didn't have a mortgage. And cable. And four doggles...

It has been great fun, because I get to see the new yarns as they come in and be the first to touch the yarns and imagine what can be made from the yarns. The yarns... the yarns... the yarns...

Anyway, once I realized I'm not too old for the job, that I can handle the standing and climbing stairs and sitting on the floor, etc. (even though my manager is half my age), I feel a lot better about leaving my thirties for a new decade.

Look out 40, here I come!


Suzy Neal said...

40 ain't so bad. I wasn't looking forward to the number, but there's nothing to it. Let's face it, Len will always be older then us.

Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

So true!

Betsy said...

Yay Len!