Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 349

Yesterday, several of my co-workers left for India for our company's big annual event in Asia. I have very little to do with this particular event, so I always stay here in Atlanta. Working in the office during this week is a lot like working between Christmas and New Years: Only a few people are here.

I closed the current issue of my magazine a few days ago and am in that lull between publishing cycles. Today, I finally got around to planting some plants for my new office (I'm on the other side of my building now and my window actually allows in light) and I've organized my files. I've even begun editing articles for the next issue and setting up interviews. Still, it feels like a lazy time.

Last year, when the folks were gone to the Asia event, I decided to work from home that Monday, which happens to be the day of the big crash. Several of my friends/co-workers were informed of the accident while they were in China. When I think of that, I wonder how it felt to be them. A friend, seriously injured, and you are half the world away. Kind of puts a damper on the trip.

Things are going very well in my recovery, by the way. Sure, some days I wonder if I'll ever feel perfectly fine again, but mostly I feel good. The numbness in my foot is decreasing and I don't have pain in my hip. I still have some discomfort, especially on cold days when I forget to get up and move around regularly, but I can see a real improvement in my range of motion. I'm starting to use the stairs normally, as in one foot in front of the other. And also when climbing stairs, I try not to use my arms as leverage. Best of all, I'm able to do most things around the house again, which probably makes Len a lot happier.

The accident has been such a huge part of my life, and now that what happened is no longer obvious, I wonder if folks who don't know me notice my limp. Do they see that I am damaged? Is it as imperceptible as I hope it is?

Frankly, I'm awfully grateful that these are my concerns. Because it could have been so much worse.


Kim said...

Completely imperceptible! Your bionic parts have only made you stronger and sexier!

jana said...

honey, you're doing day at a time. :) hugs!! and many more safe trips to Target, because Target ROCKS!!

but knot as much as knitch, or you. :)