Saturday, February 11, 2006

Maggie Goes on Vacation

The people who are buying our house sent over their appraiser today. Mr. Bond, Mike Bond, asked if he could look around the yard. I just asked that he close the back gate when he was finished. Later on, I let the dogs out and looked over at the gate to make sure it was closed. It was, and I went back in to the house and started my lunch. I let three dogs in, figuring Miss Maggie was being here usual slow self. Several minutes later I called out for her outside. Nothing. I checked the side yard and behind the shrubs. Nothing. The gate was still closed. I went inside and checked the basement. Nothing. Checked the bedrooms. Nothing. Checked the basement again. Went back out back. That's when I saw that the gate wasn't actually locked, but ALMOST locked.

I hopped on the scooter and trolled the neighborhood, calling out, "Maggie, maggie!" I asked the mail lady if she had seen a greyhound. I asked the utilities guy if he had seen a greyhound.


Finally, I came back to the house and saw my neighbor, Darlene, in her yard and asked if she had seen one of our greyhounds. She said she hadn't, but pointed toward my house and said, "There's one."

A nice lady who lives TEN blocks away had driven up and had Maggie tied with a rope.

She said this was getting to be a second job for her, that she had returned a dog just yesterday.

I said I was very glad she had returned this dog.

Maggie, I hope you had fun today. You bitch.


Ashley said...

Maggie just wanted to see Seattle before she has to move! Glad that she got back safely.

Clark said...

Wow. At least it was Maggie and not Scully. The seniors at least move at a slower pace. I am glad that she is safe, and that she was returned to you safely. Yet another reason to make sure all of your animals have up to date id tags with current phone numbers and addresses!

Suzy Neal said...

I am glad she didn't get hit by a car.

How many times can a greyhound get lucky like that??

Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

Yep, Len will be installing the tensioned gates at the new house -- that way the gates automatically close when someone passes through them -- whether it be a utility guy or us.

Suzy Neal said...

Locked gates are the best protection for the dogs.

Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

Fact is, a locked backyard gate only prevents people from stealing my dogs. If I had a doggy door, I'd certainly need a locked gate, but as it is the meter readers and others need to get into my yard for various reasons. The key is closing the gate properly.