Thursday, March 13, 2008

Handspun Diary

I spin almost every day now. Crazy.
I card extra fibers when I'm not spinning, and now, because I have SO much handspun yarn, I've put some of it on (handmade goods paradise) for sale. Don't worry, I have no dilussions about my spinning. The idea is not to start a business, but to have my spinning help pay for itself (and make room for more!). I made my first sale this week! Thanks, Nell!
I'm currently knitting a vest out of my own handspun, a blend of natural color alpaca and silk.
I recently learned how to card by hand and by carding machine. I actually like the process of carding by hand better. It's a lot slower, but the fiber comes out so soft and fluffy. In fact, I have two hanks out of the same fiber, different colors, one was hand carded before spinning, the other machine carded. The hand carded yarn is the same guage, but weighs a lot less -- which means the resulting garment will be lighter. I like that -- especially since I live in Georgia.


Hockey Mom said...

Ohmygod, it's awesome! I'm completely flabbergasted - you're already knitting with your handspun!


Megan: Dyer, Spinner and Weaver said...

Yes, ma'am. I am outta control!

Kim said...

Oooo, pretty pretty pretty. Darn you people and your beautiful handspun! I'm on a yarn diet here!

Debbie D said...

Having seen your handspun in person it is stunning. You truly are talented in the colors and textures. I'd never have guessed you haven't been spinning for years. Really think if you work at selling you are going to be very successful. Your stuff is amazing.