Sunday, December 17, 2006

Clean Dogs and Broken Bones

I try to bathe my hounds at least once a month -- more often if they encounter something stinky. Today was bath day for the greyhounds, since we'll be visiting family next weekend and we want everyone to be shiny clean. Maggie can get pretty darned stinky, but now she bathed and brushed and is the definition of gorgeousness. I know that at her next meal she'll get gunk all over the fur around her mouth again, but we'll try to keep that to a minimum this week. Right, Maggie?

Len broke his left pinky toe this week. How? By walking through the house. He stubbed the toe and broke it in three places. Poor guy. Not much they do except push it in the right direction and tape it there so it heals straight. This is his first broken bone. I have never officially broken a bone. I may have broken my big toe about twenty five years ago, when my dad slammed a door on my foot. The toe swelled up, turned blue and it was pretty painful, but I never had it x-rayed. It seems that -- other than our toes -- Len and I have pretty strong bones.


Betsy said...

Is Maggie a face wiper? Trudy is good at self cleaning and wipes her face on the sofa after she eats. These two may or may not get baths before we leave, it's gotten cold here again. Perhaps we can have Greyhound Spa Day in Georgia!

Len said...

Don't believe Megan's lies. She was showing me a Cheney family holiday ritual with pliers that went terribly wrong.